Tag: ACF

ACF Values Using Shortcodes in Elementor

A Step-by-Step Guide to Retrieving ACF(Advanced Custom Fields) Values with Shortcodes in Elementor

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a powerful tool for adding custom fields to your WordPress site, and Elementor is a versatile page builder that allows you to create stunning layouts…..

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Wordpress Customization with The WebCoder

Streamlining Your WordPress Site: How Plugins Can Save Your Time

WordPress is a powerful content management system that powers millions of websites worldwide. One of its greatest strengths is its extensibility through plugins. These add-ons can significantly enhance your site’s….

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WordPress Custom Hooks

How to Create a Custom Action in WordPress

WordPress Custom hooks (actions and filters) are a powerful feature that allows you to customize the behavior of your site without modifying core files. While filters let you modify data,….

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